Many people do not understand whether Chinese medicine in the end can cure kidney disease Kidney disease often will give patients a great impact, when the patient suffering from kidney pain, will be more concerned about treatment. There are more ways to treat kidney disease, which through the treatment of kidney disease by traditional Chinese medicine, the effect is ideal, and not easy to relapse.
Chinese medicine for the treatment of nephropathy is more prone to symptoms of qi and blood deficiency, and the patient's own resistance will be relatively poor, Rong Wei not work. Therefore, Chinese medicine patients with kidney disease must pay attention to rest, and a long time to replenish the spleen and kidney, Yi Wei solid table work, in order to strengthen their own body immunity. If the patient is a virtual type is not solid type, then it is recommended that patients can be served Yupingfeng or anti-Huangqi Decoction for treatment. If only patients with kidney deficiency, you can use Gui De Di Huang Decoction for treatment. There are some patients with kidney disease is a kidney yang deficiency constitution, you can eat ephedra aconite Asarum Decoction for treatment. In the late development of the kidney disease, the patient will carry out appropriate activities, some of the relatively simple, there is no difficulty for their own exercise, help to reconcile the blood, meridians Tongli. This is one of the ways to treat kidney disease.
Chinese medicine also pay more attention to the protection of nephrons. After the use of Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease, there are more patients sweating, exhaust, defecation phenomenon will be significantly increased. This is because the Chinese medicine that the effect of sweating in the detoxification is very good, when our body pores are open, the amount of toxins discharged will not be less than the amount of toxins discharged from the kidneys. When our blood toxins began to decrease, the human body environment has also been improved, so that the remaining kidney units and other organs have been protected.
Chinese medicine is usually through the inhibition of hypoproteinemia, edema and hyperlipidemia to treat kidney disease. Suppression of hypoproteinemia, edema and hyperlipidemia, usually referred to as "three high and one low" symptoms. Mainly the use of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment of nephropathy, thereby reducing the leakage of urinary protein in patients with kidney disease, relieve the patient because of a large number of proteinuria caused by hypoproteinemia and so on.