
Polycystic kidney of the precursor, attention up

A person with polycystic kidney disease will experience symptoms as a result of the damage caused by cysts (fluid-filled sacs) that develop in the kidneys. The signs and symptoms of polycystic kidney disease will vary based on the type of the condition a person has. Many people live with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease for several decades before symptoms develop. Here are several symptoms of polycystic kidney disease.

●High Blood Pressure
The most common symptom of polycystic kidney disease is high blood pressure. In many cases, a diagnosis of high blood pressure can lead to the discovery that a person has PKD. Because high blood pressure can lead to kidney damage, it is important to treat the condition and bring blood pressure into a healthy range.

● Pain
Some people with PKD also many notice that their abdomen is larger than it once was.
Abdominal pain or tenderness
Flank pain on one or both sides
Joint pain.
These symptoms develop because the kidneys become larger due to the presence of the cysts.

● Urinary Symptoms
Polycystic kidney disease can lead to frequent or recurrent urinary tract or kidney infections. The symptoms are easy to find associated with urine.
Blood in the urine- Usually the blood finding in the urine is often related with kidney disease. You’d better ask your doctor about this problem.
Excessive urination at nigh- Going to the toilet too frequent during night is also a syndrome of polycystic kidney

● Other Symptoms
Headaches can also be a sign of polycystic kidney disease, but this can often be overlooked because headaches are common and are a symptom of many other conditions. Additionally, about a quarter of people with PKD have a floppy valve in their hearts. The faulty valve can cause a fluttering or pounding feeling in the chest and may also cause chest pain. The presence of these symptoms is often the first indication that a person has polycystic kidney disease

If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you:http://www.kidneydisease-helper.com


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