
Learn more about the process of polycystic kidney disease

Polycystic kidney a class of kidney with hereditary nephropathy, the incidence and development of a certain law, polycystic kidney staging have the following rules,

First, the occurrence period: the disease is a genetic disease, generally born
That is, cysts, but smaller, difficult to detect, 20 years old generally not easy to find, but the family if the case of polycystic kidney disease, should be early check, and early observation of the growth of cysts. Pay attention to maintenance.
Second, the growth period: the patient in the 30-40 years old, the cyst will have a faster growth, medicine, this period is called the growth period. Growth should strengthen the observation, Western medicine treatment of this period there is no way that do not need treatment, but symptomatic treatment, such as high blood pressure, which is very passive. In this period should be actively treated, the purpose of treatment is through the use of a strong blood circulation of traditional Chinese medicine, so that cysts no longer grow or delay the growth rate of cysts to achieve the role of prolonging the life of patients can also be said that this is Traditional Chinese medicine to promote blood circulation to delay the critical period of cyst growth.

Third, the swollen period: the patient into the 40 years of age, the cyst will have further growth swelling, when the cyst more than 4cm later, to the cyst collapse of this period, known as the enlargement period. With the expansion of cysts will appear more clinical symptoms, such as low back pain, proteinuria, hematuria, blood pressure, etc., then should be closely observed in the treatment, this period is a critical period of Chinese and Western combination therapy. Can be used to prevent blood circulation to eliminate renal function of cystic fluid to achieve the purpose of protecting renal function, so the polycystic kidney disease is a combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine to protect the critical period of renal function.

Fourth, the broken period: If the cysts continue to grow, in some external factors, there will be ulceration, rupture should be immediately after hospitalization, and actively control the infection, to prevent acute exacerbation of sepsis and renal function, in order to facilitate other symptoms deal with.

5, uremia period: for uremic treatment, protection of renal function, advanced ventral hemodialysis surgery.

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